What is bluestacks logrotator exe
What is bluestacks logrotator exe

Hd-vmcommand-native.dll - BlueStacks VM Command Runner Native Library Hd-startlauncher.exe - BlueStacks StartLauncher

what is bluestacks logrotator exe

Hd-sharedfolder.exe - BlueStacks Shared Folder Helper Process Hd-service-native.dll - BlueStacks Service Native Library Hd-sensor-native.dll - BlueStacks Sensor Native Library Hd-restart.exe - BlueStacks Restart Utility Hd-opengl-native.dll - BlueStacks Opengl Native Library Hd-network-native.dll - BlueStacks Network Native Library Hd-moreapps-insthelper.exe - BlueStacks More Apps Inst Helper Hd-logrotatorservice.exe - BlueStacks Log Rotator Service Hd-logrotator-native.dll - BlueStacks Log Rotator Native Library Hd-logrotator.exe - BlueStacks Log Rotator Hd-logcollector.exe - BlueStacks Log Collector Hd-libraryhandler.dll - BlueStacks Utility Library Hd-hypervisor-x86.sys - BlueStacks Hypervisor for x86 Hd-hypervisor-amd64.sys - BlueStacks Hypervisor for amd64

what is bluestacks logrotator exe

Hd-gps-native.dll - BlueStacks Gps Native Library Hd-glcheck.exe - BlueStacks GLCheck Utility Hd-frontend-native.dll - BlueStacks Frontend Native Library Hd-filesystem-native.dll - BlueStacks File System Native Library Hd-filesystem.exe - BlueStacks File System Hd-camera-native.dll - BlueStacks Camera Native Library Hd-blockdevice-native.dll - BlueStacks Block Device Native Library Hd-blockdevice.exe - BlueStacks Block Device Hd-audio-native.dll - BlueStacks Audio Native Library Hd-appcfg-native.dll - BlueStacks AppCfg Native Library Hd-apkhandler.exe - BlueStacks Apk Handler Hd-agent.exe - BlueStacks (BlueStacks Agent) While about 22% of users of BlueStacks come from the United States, it is also popular in Germany and India. Relative to the overall usage of users who have this installed on their PCs, most are running Windows 7 (SP1) and Windows 10.

what is bluestacks logrotator exe

The setup package generally installs about 46 files and is usually about 681.31 KB (697,661 bytes). A scheduled task is added to Windows Task Scheduler in order to launch the program at various scheduled times (the schedule varies depending on the version). Delaying the start of this service is possible through the service manager. It adds a background controller service that is set to automatically run.

what is bluestacks logrotator exe

Manually stopping the service has been seen to cause the program to stop functing properly. Upon being installed, the software adds a Windows Service which is designed to run continuously in the background. During setup, the program creates a startup registration point in Windows in order to automatically start when any user boots the PC. The most common release is, with over 98% of all installations currently using this version. BlueStacks is a software program developed by BlueStack Systems.

What is bluestacks logrotator exe